Smith Douglass Associates

Podcast – How Do I Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation?

When I started using LinkedIn in 2007, I first used it for job-hunting. It then became an extraordinary networking program, keeping me updated with everyone in my business circle. LinkedIn kept evolving, and, as a B2B Marketing consultant, it remains one of my more important resources. But there is still so much more I can use it for.

In this episode of The LIPN Podcast, I spoke with Nick Pititto, President of Astor Magnus. Nick and his team use an automated lead generation program that uses LinkedIn to target potential clients and collaborators for his clients. Not only can you reach a specifically targeted audience via LinkedIn DM, but your message can be an email, a text, even a video.

Watch here on Youtube or listen on your favorite podcast app.

Podcast – Gain Clarity on Your Customers’ Needs: Mapping Your Customer Journey

Stop trying to make your potential clients do your job! Stop trying to make us dig for the information we need to make a sales decision. The more you inundate us with generic marketing blather the less likely we’ll listen to you.

In this week’s episode of the B2B Marketing Excellence Podcast, Donna speaks on the importance of knowing how to map your customers’ journey. Where did they hear about you – a trade show, an industry journal, a digital campaign, a customer referral? What industries are they in? Exactly what products and services are they interested in? Why?

Take the next step from knowing the buying persona to getting to know the actual person.

Watch here on YouTube or listen via your favorite podcast platform.

Podcast – Learn How Industry Magazines Can Help You Form Relationships With Your Audience

I once worked with a great CEO who taught me this: In times of economic downturn, you can tell good businesses from bad from their marketing spend. Badly run companies will cut their marketing budget; well run companies will double it.

I never thought I’d hear a CFO say pretty much the same thing.

In the latest episode of the B2B Marketing Podcast, Donna brought back Ken Spaeth, the CFO at Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, who spoke about on why it is crucial NOT to cut your marketing and advertising to save costs. One consequence is optics: pull back too far and potential clients may think your company is in trouble.

What you should be doing is reviewing the ROI analytics and making sure what you are spending is working. Cut where the spend is not working, double down on where it is.

To learn more, watch here on YouTube or listen via your favorite podcast platform.