Smith Douglass Associates

Podcast – Breaking the Mold: The Benefits of Ditching Traditional B2B Advertising

For years, B2C and B2B marketing were treated very differently. B2C was fun and innovative and exciting. B2B was… not.  But slowly, the business world began to realize that B2C had some seriously powerful tools that they were missing out on.

In the latest episode of the B2B Marketing Excellence Podcast, Donna spoke with Aditya Varanasi, the founder and CEO of Awarity. They discussed the power of programmatic advertising and how it can help everyone from small local businesses to large B2B companies build brand awareness and reach their target audience.

Watch here on YouTube or listen via your favorite podcast platform.

Podcast – Unleash Success: 5 Steps to Implement Your Plans

I’m willing to bet you spent a lot of time strategizing and planning for 2023. All your goals, all the new things you wanted to try. It’s the middle of February – have you actually DONE anything with your plan yet?

In this episode of the B2B Marketing Excellence podcast, @Donna reviewed the keys to successful strategic plan implementation. She covers goals and metrics, the importance of building the right team and communicating clearly, and why accountability and adaptability are so vital for success.

Watch here on YouTube or listen via your favorite podcast platform.