Smith Douglass Associates

Personal Branding

Personal Branding

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room” – Jeff Bezos

Everyone has a story – whether you want one or not. If you don’t take control of your own story, others will start coming up with their own about you.

Let Smith Douglass Associates help you control the narrative.

What does this mean in practical terms?

LinkedIn Profiles

When you Google your names your Linkedin profile is usually one of the first hits on the page. What does your profile say about you? And what is it saying about you that you don’t realize?

Company & Firm Bios

If your blo page is functionally indistinguishable from your coworkers bios — that can a big problem. You are announcing to the world that you are nothing special. What makes you memorable?

Resumes & CVs

Is your resume telling the right story for the job you want? How can you get past the computers? How can you stand out to rushed and overwhelmed HR people?

Reputation Management

It sometimes feels like anyone can say anything on the internet. What do you do If the stories told about you are damaging? How do you take back control of your narrative?

Thought Leadership

One way to differentiate yourself is to be considered a “thought leader’ in a specific field or topic. What are you doing to showcase who you are and what you know?

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation

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