Smith Douglass Associates

The Soft Intro

Thank you for following along on my series of podcast narrative structures. My final example is The Soft Intro.

Do you get most of your business from referrals? You know that people buy from those they know and trust, so how can you get people to know you?

If you are confident in who you are and what you know, just simply use the podcast to tell us about yourself. Tell us about some of your successes, your history, maybe an interesting hobby. Use your podcast to give potential clients a glimpse of who you are and why they should care.

This is a great format for those trying to grow a strong personal brand in order to stand out in a crowded market.

Example – Matt handles people’s tax returns. In his podcast, he simply told stories about how he got into doing taxes, being a Civil War buff, how’s he’s been able to help people, and why he enjoys what he does. A few months after he posted his podcast on his website, I called to check in on him. In that time, he had gotten 27 new clients. Each had been referred to him by others – who then found his website, listened to his podcast, then called him saying things like – “You seem like a nice guy who really knows what he’s doing”.