Smith Douglass Associates

When AI Lead “Harvesting” Goes Hysterically Wrong

Field Mouse

I’ve heard a lot about using AI in marketing. There does seem to be quite a number of benefits. When done well.

And then there’s this…

A bit of backstory. Several years ago I ran a weekend event for my local Mensa group in suburban Connecticut. Called “Harvest Weekend and Games Night” it was a do-it-yourself weekend of local attractions with a central location to meet and play board games. I built a website for it and used the blog function as a place to post updates. The event was a great success, and I left the website active so I could show other groups what I did.

Someone using AI for marketing had a bot that searched the internet for blogs with a certain keyword (remember the name of my event). Their bot found my old website, and this is the sales pitch I was sent…

Fall is here (NOTE: I received this on December 23!), which means you and your readers can finally get outside and start harvesting. However, there are always pests to contend with. Your readers could benefit from knowing more about the pests that are more prevalent during the fall months.

Because of that, we think they would benefit from you sharing a link from ACME (name changed here) Pest Services.

Dealing with eaten or damaged crops can be a hassle. ACME has information to help your readers determine if they have a field mouse problem, and if they are using the best termite-resistant mulch to help protect their fields. In addition, you’ll be linking to a company that can take care of pests should they start doing damage to their homes.

Feel free to ask me about our website, our services, or this linking opportunity. If you are interested, let me know. I hope you consider sharing a link to ACME Pest Services.

As a civilian – I laughed myself sick. As a Marketer – I was appalled. Using AI in marketing is not cheap, and if these types of “leads” were what the program was generating I’d be furious – at whoever had done the programming, and myself for not knowing exactly what was getting sent out to which potential customers.

If you are looking at AI marketing solutions, don’t go in thinking that, at a push of a button, you’ll get hundreds of quality leads. Whatever you do – make sure that your own intelligence is part of the program.