Smith Douglass Associates

Podcast – How Network Marketing Spoke to This Entrepreneurial Musician

More and more people are joining the entrepreneurial ranks these days. And there are multiple ways to start your own business. You can start from scratch and build from the ground up. You can buy into a franchise. You can join a network marketing organization.

In the latest episode of The New England Business Alliance Podcast, I interviewed Joanne Grigoriev. Joanne came from an entrepreneurial family and decided to first follow her passion for music, becoming a professional concert flutist and music teacher. When her husband started a furniture manufacturing business, she worked by his side. And when she discovered a health and wellness product she believed in, she joined its network marketing team and started her own business.

Check out our interview and learn more about Joanne’s journey and why she feels that network marketing is a great option for people interested in anything from a side gig to starting their own entrepreneurial lifestyle.

Watch here on YouTube or listen via your favorite podcast platform –