Smith Douglass Associates

Are You a Generalist or an Expert?

When I speak to some of my marketing consulting clients, especially when they are first getting started, I find many of them trying to drown their potential clients in options. “Look at all the things I can do! I can help you in a hundred ways!”

It’s a fear response—the fear of missing a sale because a potential customer didn’t realize that you can also do that one thing they needed doing.

So, you end up becoming a Generalist—pretty good at everything, extraordinary at nothing. I like Generalists; they usually come cheap, and most of the time, they give me a pretty adequate result.

But when adequate won’t cut it and I need excellence, I look for the Experts—those who have a niche and do one thing better than everyone else. I always pay more for Experts, but then, you should always pay more for excellence.

So how does your value proposition to potential clients come across? Do you do a little bit of everything? Do you specialize in anything? Are you a multi-page diner menu, or do you offer a single page of exquisitely prepared cuisine?


*The above quote came from an excellent Seth Godin blog post here: